07 Tips to separate personal expenses from company accounts

Knowing how to separate personal expenses from company accounts is essential to the success of any business. However, many entrepreneurs, especially at the beginning, face difficulties in differentiating their personal finances from their business finances. This can lead to accounting confusion, harm the company’s financial health and even lead to legal problems. Keeping this in mind, in this article, … Read more

Learn how to do bank reconciliation in your company

Bank reconciliation is the process of checking and comparing the financial transactions recorded by the company and the entries present in the bank statements. The objective is to ensure that all transactions carried out by the company are correctly recorded and correspond to the actual movements in the bank accounts, identifying possible errors, fraud or omissions. This … Read more

Learn how to price a product: check out 4 essential tips

Many entrepreneurs don’t know, but the success of a business depends, to a large extent, on appropriate pricing, which must take into account costs, the customer’s perception of value and the competitive market . Many firms struggle in this respect, whether it is through ignorance or an underestimate of the need for its usage. Let us explain, … Read more

How to manage accounts payable and receivable in your company?

Anyone who has a company is well aware of the importance that good financial management brings to its business. For this reason, it becomes essential to introduce some routines to handle it appropriately, such as managing accounts payable and receivable. This provides a deep knowledge of the cash flow , fixed and variable costs, and revenues generated by … Read more

Tips on how to reduce costs in companies

Cost reduction is a practice that each employer should recollect to optimize its sources and increase profitability . However, now not all marketers know in which to begin enforcing effective techniques to cut prices with out compromising first-class and productiveness. Below, see some actions and points of attention that companies should observe in the cost reduction process. … Read more

Default rate: what is it, how does it work and how to avoid it?

The default rate is an indicator that can help with financial organization and business management strategies. Find out how it works! Default represents a delay in fulfilling the consumer’s financial obligations, and can occur in installment or post-paid sales, for example. Since late payment tends to affect the business’s financial management, it is important to monitor these … Read more